
  • Referred to An Anaesthetist?

    Have you seen an anaesthetist/anesthesiologist during your pregnancy, or are you booked in? A few facts about these specialists and what you might expect – and… what you might ask!! So what or who is an anaesthetist (in the UK) or an anesthesiologist (in the US)? These are the same doctor under slightly different names….…

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  • Plus Size Perspective

    Here’s the thing…. doctors are AMAZING. I’ve had a 20+ year career as a midwife so far and I have seen doctors do incredible things, they have the knowledge and skills to save lives. People choose to be doctors because they want to care for other people. They want to make a difference. But here’s…

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  • Plus Size and Pregnant: How do you FEEL?

    How do you feel? Why am I asking? Well, I’ve been a midwife for more than two decades and so I know that how a woman is actually feeling is something that is sometimes overlooked in pregnancy care. Sure, a midwife or doctor might want to know… Do you feel unwell? Do you feel your…

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  • Do I Need A Glucose Tolerance Test?

    What Exactly Is A Glucose Tolerance Test And What Is It For? A glucose tolerance test (GTT or OGTT – Oral Glucose Tolerance Test) is done to check how your body handles sugar (glucose). It isn’t only a test for during pregnancy, but is can be done on anyone, to see how their body copes…

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  • Not So Short And Not So Sweet..

    This is quite a long post – not so short… and ends with some points about sugar…. not so sweet! I’ve tried to comment on a few important issues…. Feel free to comment!! You’re pregnant. You’re concerned to eat well for you and your baby. What now? What do you eat? Do you need to…

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  • Weighing Heavy

    So, I get asked a lot about being weighed in pregnancy. What often happens is a woman goes to her first pregnancy appointment and one of the first things is ‘Let’s just weigh you’, or ‘Let’s just pop you on the scales..’ But for many women this is a very difficult moment and, for some,…

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